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Thread #152928   Message #3578601
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
24-Nov-13 - 09:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Doctor Who
Subject: RE: BS: Doctor Who
I'm a little confused (nothing new there then). We were reminded during the program that the doctor's who acted with their future selves would not remember the event. If this was anyone involved (which is presumably the case. otherwise Tennant/Hurt would still have memories of the team effort from their Hartnell/Troughton et al incarnations. So, if interaction with a future incarnation means forgetfulness then Matt Smith's incarnation should also forget, as Gallifrey was frozen in time by 13 Doctors Who. This included Peter Capaldi, so, as the latest, he should be the only one with memories of the action.
Of course, it looks like Capaldi was a late addition as he didn't appear on the list of actors playing the Doctor at the end.

A slip up perhaps?