The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152928   Message #3578618
Posted By: Stringsinger
24-Nov-13 - 09:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Doctor Who
Subject: RE: BS: Doctor Who
I like Doctor Who but for me the only really true Doctor Who is Tom Baker, evidenced by his cameo on camera in the latest episode. For me, second in preference is Christopher
Eccleston although David Tenant and Matt Smith et. al. do creditable jobs.

I've watched the Doctor's meanderings through the early days of latex, smoke screens
and the many women who accompanied him and there, my preference has always been one who is rarely mentioned in the recent retrospectives, Lalla Ward's Romana, who I think is one of the most intriguing of all of the women characters.

It seems the writing, though sometimes unnecessarily convoluted with the Brit asides
sometimes hard to grasp, has improved over time and even more the high tech graphics
which really enhance the imagination.

It's a great amount of fun, though, and whenever I think of the adventurous spirit of
the Doctor in his most egregious complicated miasmas, I see Tom Baker's mischievous
broad grin and realize the Doctor in in the house.