The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152928   Message #3579616
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
28-Nov-13 - 09:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Doctor Who
Subject: RE: BS: Doctor Who
Nu-Who is already a parody of itself. After the Americanising of The Movie I was prepared to give Chris Ecclestone a chance, but proper actors like him are too mercurial to become fodder for the typecasting essential to a character like Dr Who. Even so, the grand (but ultimately insubstantial) concepts and CGI swamped it from the off. What followed was less parody than travesty; seeing John Hurt in that pantomime the other week was just plain embarrassing. Very poor indeed. Torchwood fared better, I thought, by keeping its feet firmly on the ground.

Enjoyed seeing the first William Hartnell story with the cavemen; interesting to remember that until Nation introduced us to the Daleks, Dr Who was essentially a Kiplingesque history romp!    Still looking forward to watching the David Bradley drama Adventure in Time & Space, which has satisfied far more extreme members of the Old Who Faithful than me!

And DtheG - I am not pissing on anyone's parade, nor do I take any joy from the fact that something I care for very much has been utterly rubbished by an ill-conceived make-over that is all bling & no bang. Offer me your objections by all means - tell me why you think I am wrong - but please keep the personal sniping out of it, eh?

Anyway here's my Dalek Derek enjoying the serenity of the Fylde coast just yesterday...

Daleks Invasion Earth 27.11.2013