The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152928   Message #3579625
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
28-Nov-13 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: Doctor Who
Subject: RE: BS: Doctor Who
tell me why you think I am wrong - but please keep the personal sniping out of it, eh?

Sorry that you feel it is personal sniping, Jack, but I seem to remember you have done this before. You once accused me of personal abuse and when I asked you what you found offensive or abusive about my comments you did not answer. Anyway, no point in living in the past. Unless you are a Jethro Tull fan :-)

There was no personal sniping involved. I am just interested why you feel the need to use such terms as "overblown ill-conceived histrionic shite lacking in substance, magic, humanity and joy." where a simple "I don't like the new series" would more than convey the point. It seems that some people have the need to justify their dislike of some things by assigning bad attributes to them.

The only objections I can offer is that I feel the 'Nu-Who' is to my tastes and I enjoy it immensely. Your diatribe against it seems to indicate that your tastes are somehow better than mine. The discussion I alluded to previously was, again if memory serves me correctly, about rap music. I am no fan in particular, as I am no fan of opera, contemporary jazz or Irish music. But I would not dream of categorising any of them as bad. Just not to my taste and that is an extremely subjective thing. Doctor Who since 2005(?) has been, in my opinion, a lot deeper, better produced and more entertaining than the old one. I can appreciate the early days but there was a lot wrong with them that I am happy to ignore.

Out of interest I found this article on the official BBC Doctor Who guide. It contains the comments - "Given that The Dæmons is so archetypal of Barry Letts' period as producer, it is no surprise that the minority of fans who greatly dislike the approach that he brought to the series have, contrary to the general reaction, been vociferously critical of it. Perhaps the most scathing review of all was by Chris Newbold in Perigosto Stick Issue Two, dated August 1991: 'It is my considered opinion, as someone who has seen almost all the Doctor Who stories it is possible to see, that The Dæmons is without doubt one of the worst. I say that in full possession of the knowledge that it is thought of as an example of the very best of Doctor Who, an "all-time classic". Naturally I find it hard to see how this view can possibly have come about, unless it is part of a more general belief that the Pertwee years represent Doctor Who at its best. I do not subscribe to such a view.'"

It does go on but you will be able to read it yourself if you so wish. Nowhere, however, does Newbold seem to simply say 'It is rubbish' in the way you dismiss the new series.

I would also ask you to note who started the thread and, while I fully understand that anyone is able to post any comment on any thread, you need to understand that I started this particular party and if I feel that someone is not entering the spirit of it, I shall say so.
