The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153046 Message #3582275
Posted By: The Sandman
07-Dec-13 - 04:45 AM
Thread Name: polly vaughan dick miles
Subject: RE: polly vaughan dick miles
I have said in the past and i will repeat it now , Steve Shaws harmonica playing is good, however he could not do what people like Nick Dowand Martyn Read do, entertain a folk club audience for 2times 40 minutes spots, as for John Charles, anyone that deliberately finds fairly obscure reviews in an attempt to denigrate someone else tells us a lot about their personality. Steve by his own admission prefers to attend irish trad music sessions, he lives in Cornwall, now the last time i played Bodmin[cornwall] folk club, there was no sign of Shaw, Steve is another one who wants to have a go at me via the net, Steve come and say this to my face and see what happens,you are mean spirited coward, you know full well that is a quote from ayn rand, steve, get a life.