The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153046   Message #3582396
Posted By: johncharles
07-Dec-13 - 02:19 PM
Thread Name: polly vaughan dick miles
Subject: RE: polly vaughan dick miles
the review was in an entirely different thread you raised it here. I assume I thought it was relevant in the previous thread. I have no interest in wasting my time re-reading an aged thread to prolong an argument. The "why?" I admit was rather curt, for that I apologise, but I was wondering why you posted the video; as I have said was it for review,discussion etc.
The video I posted was in response to that of will fly and as I said it was a demonstration of what even a cheap notebook could do in terms of recording.
Receiving messages saying get off my back could hardly be construed as friendly.
If I have answered all your questions may I now go to the pub for a pint.