The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153046   Message #3582401
Posted By: Vic Smith
07-Dec-13 - 02:52 PM
Thread Name: polly vaughan dick miles
Subject: RE: polly vaughan dick miles
"Then got drunk and fell in a ditch".....
"once I've had a fair sup".....
"Poets often use booze for the words that they choose".....
"Minerva and Bacchus their guide.".....
"may I now go to the pub for a pint.".....

I would like to point out that there is far too much alcohol being consumed in this thread. Perhaps it is this that is behind Joe Offer's statement above that:-
"we found out long ago that being a Professional Folk Musician is not a good way to become rich and powerful and famous and attractive."
..... even though I would like to challenge the veracity of part of Joe's claim. In fact, I know how to have a career as a professional folk musician and end up with £1,000,000 start off with £3,000,000.