The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153046   Message #3582459
Posted By: Will Fly
07-Dec-13 - 07:44 PM
Thread Name: polly vaughan dick miles
Subject: RE: polly vaughan dick miles
Perhaps I ought to make it clear, as I did in my original crit of Dick's video that I'm a subscriber to his YouTube channel - as he is to mine. There's absolutely no criticism of Dick's actual performance or the video's musical content. Dick is, IMO, a fine performer, and I would pay good money to see him live should he ever be in Sussex again.

But I do wish I could get into the computer screen, switch on his room light, draw the curtains and shift him physically a foot to the right! It's not the first time I've commented to Dick on this and, if I were sat at a table with him over a pint, I'd say just the same thing.

But he's a very naughty boy...