The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153123   Message #3584130
Posted By: Richard Bridge
14-Dec-13 - 03:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is it mental laziness?
Subject: RE: BS: Is it mental laziness?
One issue. Sleep. We need it properly to function. I am REALLY crap at it. I ignore - and it looks like you ignore - one of the basic rules. DON'T GO ON THE COMPUTER (even a small one). It makes the brain active and you don't want that in order to sleep.

Another issue. Eyesight. I am finding it harder and harder to read text (on screen or any other way) for long periods. After too much computing or newspapering (or reading 100 page contracts) I can barely see the TV and I got that HUGE one to avoid the need for specs to watch TV. I have new specs but I am considering PAYING for a fresh eyetest somewhere else.

A thought (possibly unwelcome). Aphasia. Jacqui was prescribed beta-blockers for migraines and it upset the blood flow to the brain and cerebellar ataxia accompanied by aphasia resulted. I know it's not an exact parallel to your situation but I wonder if there is something similar going on. She dropped the beta-blockers, semi-retired to reduce stress, had a bone-wiggler (DANGEROUSLY) wiggle the top bones in her neck - that reduced the migraines - and her ability to nag me without self-interruption returned. Mixed blessing from my point of view.

Doesn't Mither fly a desk for the NHS or something? Had you thought of PM-ing him?