The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153123   Message #3584141
Posted By: VirginiaTam
14-Dec-13 - 04:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is it mental laziness?
Subject: RE: BS: Is it mental laziness?
I do stare at monitor screen all day 4 days a week at work (damn jobbie stuff) and Wednesday and weekends quite a lot too at home (damn Facebook). Had the eyes checked (test is free due to my father's glaucoma) in October.

Prescription had not changed at all, though optometrist was concerned about the dry eye and eye pain I get. She wanted me to see opthamologist, but i saw my RA consultant shortly after and she took me off the meds for Sjogrens because it was causing the eye pain and not really helping with the dry eye. Turns out the drug could have caused irreversible sight loss. I get periods of distinct blurred or double vision, but I now have a nice mild eye wash which helps the dryness. The eye pain is very rare now.

Going to ask the GP about the growing language skill loss and inability to focus on complex lengthy reading and about the Vitamin D thing. There is an easy self done test that indicates vitamin D deficiency. It was shown to me by the pain consultant who first suggested the problem to me. He pressed one finger not too strongly directly onto my shin bones. The pain was excruciating. I mean I yelped, jerked and maybe even swore. It is not excruciating now but the pain is unpleasant enough to avoid doing it again. And my long bones ache sometimes as they did when I was first diagnosed.

That aphasia thing is too scary to think about. My dad had that due to arteriosclerosis in his late 50s. He passed away at 63. But he was a chain smoking (unfiltered Camels), alocoholic with diabetes. I am none of these things.