The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153123   Message #3584447
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
15-Dec-13 - 11:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is it mental laziness?
Subject: RE: BS: Is it mental laziness?

MCS - multiple chemical sensitivity -

Hit me in spades, starting in May - whatever they put on the fields. That and one thing after another, I have been coughing since May. Sept and Oct I was barely functional, days when I only got out of bed for the bare essentials.

Then one day I started feeling like me again and WOW - I really was not being lazy all that time. I really was sick. did not know how sick until I started feeling good. A major air cleaner in my living space after it was closed off from the rest of the mold infested building...

But, being on the computer long periods does take a toll on the eyes. The brain damage from exposure to environmental toxins does cause difficulty thinking clearly, reading serious literature and, certainly, writing well.

I now have a mask to wear in places like hardware stores and any place where the airborne particulate is going to get to my brain and make me sicker.

No, you are not lazy.