The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153134   Message #3584451
Posted By: YorkshireYankee
16-Dec-13 - 12:15 AM
Thread Name: UK Petition: Amazon mistreats workers!
Subject: RE: UK Petition: Amazon mistreats workers!
I'm not talking about what they pay them. I'm talking about their working conditions. And yes, I realise there are loads of other mail-order companies that also work their employees like dogs, and I don't plan to use any of them, either.

As for paying "their fair share" of taxes, that is not the issue under discussion here. However, I do think it's beyond sad that the way things are going, no company can be expected to do anything socially constructive (e.g., treat employees well, pay their fair share of taxes, pay a living wage, not destroy the environment) if they can make more money not doing it.

You may blame the countries for not requiring the companies to pay their "fair share" of taxes, but laws have become more and more complicated, because big companies have loads of money to pay legal eagles to find loopholes in the laws (and lobbied politicians to leave these loopholes)...

Feels like we are devolving back to "might makes right", except that money now equals "might"...
