The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3584471
Posted By: Jim Carroll
16-Dec-13 - 04:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
"No. Not what I am saying at all."
It's exactly what you are saying
You have no right to demand that anybody stick to your line of discussion because it doesn't suit your agenda.
Considering all aspects of persecution - especially its causes, is an important part of these discussions.
Putting persecution in context of wholesale persecution by the Christian Churches puts religious persecution exactly where it is - the abuse of religious influence that can be connected to religions throughout the world - the Christian church included.
You have been warned about jack-booting your way through these threads because they raise uncomfortable truths before now - stop it.
You want to see religious persecution up close - take a look at some of the Islamophobic garbage on this forum - including your own - you might make a start with your 'Muslim Prejudice' saga which contains views that have led to deprivation of human rights, long-term persecution - even death - of law-abiding Muslims living in Britain.
You want Christian persecution - if you can't be arsed with children deprived of education because they weren't baptised into the Christian church,try the countless children who have been raped and abused by Christian clergymen - probably over the centuries - try Googling "Christian Brothers abuse" for an update.
Then of course, there's the women who have to go abroad to have pregnancies terminated or are let die because of medieval religion -influenced laws.
Or homosexuals deprived of their human rights and cast out of society as 'disease carriers' and 'perverts' - again, largely because of church influence (Christian and Muslim churches b.t.w.).   
The fact that this aspect of "Christian Persecution" is of no interest to you whatever and has no part in this discussion, according to you,       says what needs to be said about you and everybody who shares your repressive extremist outlook on life.
Now - let everybody have their say on all these matters if you're not interested.
Jim Carroll