The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3584505
Posted By: Jim Carroll
16-Dec-13 - 06:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
"Correct, but I have the right to decline to join in the hijacking of this thread."
You have no right to describe the discussion of persecution by Christians as "hijacking" - it isn't and it is pure prejudiced lying to do so.
Most forms of religion persecute and cause misery and death to believers and non-believers alike, and to make a special case for one or the other is only to exacerbate that situation.
Religious persecution will continue while it is drilled into people from birth and is allowed to in any way to influence the secular governance of countries.
Until the teaching and following of every religion is made a decision by all people it will continue to be what it is - a threat to our peace and well-being.
While it is taught as fact and remains part of our law and decision making of countries throughout the world people will continue to kill and die for their particular brand of belief.
Refusing to allow discussion of that fact is, as I have said, persecution in itself.
Stop manipulating threads and censoring discussion and stop using this forum as your own personal possession to soapbox your bigotry and intolerance.
You don't want to discuss persecution by Christians, fine, we'll come to our own conclusions about your motives for refusing to do so and let know what we come up with, if that's all right by you!!!
Hard not to notice that discussing persecution by Christians only became a problem when you painted yourself into yet another corner
Jim Carroll