The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3584600
Posted By: Jim Carroll
16-Dec-13 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
"Why can you not reopen an existing thread or start a new one?"
Why should we - you've taken over enough threads about the killing of soldiers, or the persecution of Muslims and turned them into Islamaphobic diatribes
If we can't discuss the reasons for religious persecution in its full context, what on earth do you expect to get out of a discussion like this other than to make it another round in your Muslim bashing campaign?
Nobody is denying that Christians are being persecuted, you seem to be avoiding that fact that this persecution is part of amillenia old religious war in which nobody comes out with clean hands.
That Christians are getting the shitty end of the stick at present, doesn't main that they haven't done the same in the past and to a lesser extent are still doing it, sometimes to extreme excess (isn't the systematic rape of children extreme enough for you?)
Religion brings with it the high risk, probability even, of persecution.
Unless that fact is discussed and fully recognised that risk/probability will remain.
You have never been backward in pointing out the failings and excesses of others in order to defend your particular flavour-of-the-month - Israeli terrorism is ok because others do it, it's ok for Britain to sell arms and chemical weapons to human rights abusers because everybody does it.....
Surely the root causes are infinitely more important than individual cases (unless you happen to have a particular agenda - perish the thought!!)
Jim Carroll