The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #17492   Message #3584639
Posted By: GUEST,vitvrn
16-Dec-13 - 12:56 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Chords Req: Songs by Phil Ochs
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: Songs by Phil Ochs
Haven't find chords to "Ballad of Oxford" too, so here's my version (in Am):

Ballad of Oxford (Jimmy Meredith)

By Phil Ochs

    Am                      F                      G             Am
I'll sing you a song about a southern town where the devil had his rule
    Am                F            G               Am
When marshalls faced an angry mob to send one man to school
    Am             G
His name was Jimmy Meredith
    F                E
the tide he helped to turn
       F                     G
For he chose to stay on that terrible day
    F       E       Am
The land was soon to learn

          Am                         Dm
There was blood, red blood, on their hands,
Am                   Dm
Yellow dirt on their clothes
F                           G
What they thought they were doing,
    F                  E
Only god and the devil knows
          Am                        Dm
There was hate, cold hate, in their hearts,
Am                           Dm
Shot from their souls like a gun
    F                   G
And as they threw their stones and bricks,
    F             E             Am
They screamed, "see what you have done!"