The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152125   Message #3585019
Posted By: Steve Shaw
17-Dec-13 - 06:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
I dunno. I don't mean to tread on the faith of most people, it's just the extremists that give such cause for concern as they attempt to impose their views on us all. Those that would teach creationism as science are indistinguishable in nature from those that practice female circumcision, ban pop music and shoot kids in the head for daring to say they should be allowed to go to school. There's an barely concealed violence about their manner and lack of tolerance that makes me think they are beyond the rules that the rest of us agree to abide by. I get from them a sense of arrogance and ignorance that is unsettling to say the least, as they fear diversity and free thought and that is truly frightening, and never ends well.

Spot on, Stu. Best post in the thread by a country mile. The most dangerous and nasty people in the world are those who base their convictions on the kind of blind ignorance passed down to them by their particular traditions, and who studiously ignore evidence.