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Thread #152434   Message #3585894
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
21-Dec-13 - 06:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: So who's signed up for Obamacare?
Subject: RE: BS: So who's signed up for Obamacare?
Well we've moved up to the next part: "(next he'll start with insults and an attempt to discredit every body, except himself)..."

jeez, even in order

P.S...Yes, I think I WILL repeat: "
Oh No, not again...back to the name calling....OK!..I'm convinced, now that you've explained it so well!

(happens every time their backs are to the I explained earlier).....(next he'll start with insults and an attempt to discredit every body, except himself)...(and then he'll start in on about himself, and why and how he became 'so wise')...without winning a discussion...(he's into 'winning', more than making sense!).

Hey SG, Romney care is just as fucked up, except maybe their website. I've heard feedback from those in Mass...and they're not to swift on it either!
One thing people(especially 'wannabe activists') should keep in mind, was reflected in the Gallup Poll I posted.....72% of the people, including 56% 0f Democrats think the biggest threat to our country is BIG GOVERNMENT...and Obamacare is doing NOTHING to reverse that! People DON'T want to have their minds sucked into another intrusive dealings with the government. It infringes on their natural humanity..just exactly like the 'Holy Roman Empire' from which caused them to flee and settle on another fucking continent, to get away from!...It is exactly the oppression from such a monster that gave birth to people like John Locke, who in his discourses was heavily influenced by a resistance toward it!....So everybody runs away, starts another one, only to go through the whole process AGAIN...and to remedy it, THEY 'PROGRESS' to instituting the very thing they ran away from!!!
Like I posted before, today's liberals are tomorrow's conservatives.
It's all a bunch of hooey! A society that isn't burdened with authority of either a burdensome church or state becomes FREE to innovate, create, and prosper..WITHOUT some corrupt governing force trying to rip them off and exploit their fears....and profit from their corruption...while instituting more oppression, for more profits.
Healthcare 'reform' this is not...just a transfer of the profits and control..while coercing the public under penalty of law, to plunge FURTHER into the problems they already had...and charge more money for it.
Scrap it..start from scratch...keep the 'profits' in the Health care system for research and development, ONLY!....not for another skimming and fleecing of the public for any other government agendas(like looting social security finance pool)...or political paybacks.
The biggest problem for pushing any more government incompetence and trying to sell it to the public, is that the people don't trust these guys..and for good reason.....
....and really, don't you want to be able to trust that your doctor only has YOUR well-being on his mind????....instead of 'political considerations'????