The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152125   Message #3586109
Posted By: akenaton
23-Dec-13 - 03:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Joe, in my part of the world and in very many others, most people, both Christian and secular see sex between people of the sex as a perversion. Is it "bigotry" to oppose this "perverted behaviour" being accepted into the church and integrated into the traditional marriage ceremony?
Do you not understand these Christians viewpoint, as you watch the church come under attack from secular "society"
Do you not understand what these "secularists" are really about? Do you really think they give a stuff about the marriage rights of a handful of homosexuals?

Your church is the real target, and I'm sorry to say well meaning folks like yourself are part of the problem.
If you and others like you don't start fighting back soon, a fully secular society is on the cards.
The church fulfils a great need in a huge proportion of humanity, if the church allows itself to be dragged like a sheep to the slaughter by what is politically fashionable, then these people are being abandoned, condemned to a life with no spiritual nutrition.

But like Pontius Pilate, your hands will be clean.