The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152125   Message #3586139
Posted By: Steve Shaw
23-Dec-13 - 06:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Joe, in my part of the world and in very many others, most people, both Christian and secular see sex between people of the sex as a perversion.

Really? And what part of your part of the world might that be, and where do your numbers come from? In my part of the world, a part of the world that couldn't possibly ever vote left-wing even if it had a dagger at its throat, most people don't give a flying fart about other people's private lives. That's the thing, innit, ake. Other people's private lives. I regard anyone who has a prurient or otherwise illegitimate interest in other people's private lives as a pervert. So that makes you a pervert. God, I hope I've never accidentally met you. I might have to disinfect myself.