The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152125   Message #3586327
Posted By: GUEST,Musket
24-Dec-13 - 11:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
You know... I never propose restricting peoples' religion. Neither do I propose restricting peoples' lifestyle.

Joe. If you accept the observation that some people find other peoples's lives wrong, then fine. You may also observe that some people commit murder, fiddle with children and don't take library books back. Observing isn't condoning, and from your comments to the worm, that is how it comes over.

If your religious sense of whatever is hardwired in you does anything other than see people as equal, see opportunity for all regardless of sex, belief, ethnicity or sexual preference, it isn't the likes of me or the vast majority of people who are sickened by prejudice that you should be aiming your guns at.

If any religious teaching says anything other than everybody in society is equal, has equal opportunity and is treated exactly the same, then the religious teaching needs scrutinising to see if we need to protect children and the vulnerable from it.

Please don't walk a tightrope between tenets of your faith and your thoughts as a fellow human. Before making excuses for people who hate gay people, ask yourself how much credence you give to people who want to "string up niggers."

When you were a moderator, you would have asked if a post could give offence to those who stumble upon it. The worm provokes disdain, but a decent normal person reading his hate? And then you pick out a word or two and say the worm has a point?

I note I am not the only person who feels sick when reading his hatred. Pray for the bugger if you like, I will pray for the day when society moves beyond accepting hate as a view. Wanting to rape women is a view too, but I doubt I will ever fill my glass and start a debate.

Do you know why I use terms such as worm and Akenhateon? I just cannot come to terms with the idea that such people still exist in the 21st century in Western society. With the education and morals that society offers in post superstitious communities, I simply cannot see why such views have to be humoured. Hence if I must refer to it, I have to refer in the abstract. As I keep repeating, it makes me feel sick, and judging by other comments, many more too.