The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152125   Message #3586748
Posted By: akenaton
26-Dec-13 - 12:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Ian, when I first encounter you on these pages, you were using the handle "Ian Mather", if you do not wish to be known as Ian, why broadcast it?
You continuously refer to me in many derogatory terms.
Ian is not a term of abuse.
Many folks here know my name is Alex, I do not object to you using my Christian name in discussion here, but I suppose it would look rather incongruous, if you were determined to keep up your childish campaign of personal abuse?
I was discussing you attitude recently with another member and we came to the rather ironic conclusion that you really think that YOU are God...that no one else on earth deserves to hold any opinion with which you....."Messiah I" disagree.
You live in a bubble Ian, the bubble of your "unconditional equality" agenda.

The reason I know this, is because I used to BE "Ian Mather". In my younger days, I saw evil in everything which did not fit with my indoctrinated world view, religion, conservatism, true liberalism, even although I knew it could never be achieved under the present socio-economic system.....I hated everyone and everything which contradicted my agenda
Fortunately, many years ago, I learned to be my own man, to think for myself to see the good things in other ideologies....and more importantly, to see the bad in my own, how I tried to hide the truth even from myself, just because it was inconvenient to my political agenda.
Today I realise that many conservative social policies are good for people and some "liberal" policies are extremely destructive to society and to the sections of society towards which they are directed.

I look on it all as a process of Growing Up psychologically, and I hope sincerely that you can start to think upon these matters a bit more deeply in the future.......A Guid New Year to you when it comes...Alex.