The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121939   Message #3586769
Posted By: GUEST,CS
26-Dec-13 - 01:57 PM
Thread Name: The re-Imagined Village
Subject: RE: The re-Imagined Village
According to the rough copy of as yet unpublished January edition of the village magazine, an exceedingly annoyed elderly member of the re-Imagined village has complained to the BBC that their recent televised ghost story "The Tractate Middoth", is nothing more than a plagiaristic rip-off of an unfortunate family experience regarding an annoying old uncle who (quote) "insisted on not dying properly!"

The resident is said to be most perterbed at having " bothersom ghosts" stirred up by the Beeb, especially as he's had to invoke the assistance of the local priest in order to restrain the unwelcome ghoul!

On a brighter note, the annual initiatory Pinchlings featuring the healthy young men of the parish tied and bound, versus the Man in Black's toad poison darts, will commence at midnight! Be sure to bring your own toad! And body removal services.