The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152125   Message #3586784
Posted By: akenaton
26-Dec-13 - 03:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Humanity has perverted sex in many ways, the sexualisation of children, or the use of sex as a marketing tool and now as a political weapon.

I said that the original purpose of sexual organs on any living creature was for procreation.

That is undeniable.....only a fool would suggest that procreation was designed by nature/god as only a by-product of sexual intercourse or that sexual intercourse was only designed to "give pleasure"

Same gender sex is without doubt a perversion of the true purpose.

"How can you post saying you see no difference in skin colour / race and that we are all fellow people yet say the exact opposite regarding gay people?

There are many types of behaviour which I believe to be destructive to society, the colour of ones skin or their racial origin do not come into that category.
Although I believe many of these behaviours are dangerous to those who practice them and to wider society, I understand that many people will not or cannot alter their behaviour...smokers for example, but I do not believe these behaviours should be promoted through legislation as safe and healthy, when the official health figures say that they patently are not.

They are being promoted because they fit into a "liberal" agenda of false "equality", which is hindering the work of those who sincerely wish to defeat the epidemic currently affecting male homosexuals.

I have a number of enemies here Ian and obviously one of them has taken the time to trawl through thousands of posts and quote me out of context....I dislike ignorant personal abuse in place of reasoned argument, but I dislike cowardice even more, if someone objects to my arguments let him/her come forward and make their case, not do their dirty work through a third party.

I give you credit for having the guts to stand your ground, but to use such material, from such a source, weakens your stance.

Pete..I understand and respect your point, but I can hardly argue the Christian case, when I am merely a Lapstatheist?... :0)