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Thread #152434   Message #3586981
Posted By: Don Firth
27-Dec-13 - 04:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: So who's signed up for Obamacare?
Subject: RE: BS: So who's signed up for Obamacare?
No, NOT before! The carping started when the Affordable Care Act was in the early planning stages and has gotten louder ever since. The bitching is done by those who will have to start dealing honestly with their clients, and, of course, by the usual suspects who, if Obama could end all death and disease in the world, would caterwaul that Obama is attacking the funeral industry and trying to deprive the medical profession of any business at all. And those who hate Obama for—reasons of their own.

As far as health insurance companies are concerned, the Affordable Care Act is separating the sheep from the goats. The only people having to change their insurance are those whose health insurance policies do not provide adequate coverage. Oftentimes people with these policies do not realize what their policy does NOT cover until they NEED those particular services.

Opponents of the ACA are claiming that it is a sop to the health insurance companies. But what it's actually doing is notifying their clients of the inadequacies of their policies and putting insurance companies on notice that if they want to be part of the program, they're going to have to get their act together.

That is a GOOD thing.

The roll-out of the New Deal faced similar flak from the Republicans, the bankers, and others profited from the status quo and who hated FDR—including people like Goofball, who doesn't know his ass from his elbow. It put the brakes on their screwing the populace at large. A few wrinkles had to be ironed out—and, of course it's opponents jumped on every wrinkle and tried to claim that it was The End of the World (just like they're doing with the Affordable Care Act), but once it got under way, was the beginning of the end for the Great Depression. Suddenly, the bankers and the money brokers, who were responsible for bringing about the Great Depression in the first place were required—by LAW—to behave themselves.

In the same way that health insurance companies will have to stop ripping people off!

Closet Right-Wingers like Goofy (he keeps a lot of things in his closet that he doesn't want to admit to himself) keep flying in tighter and tighter circles until he'll soon fly up his own ass.

Don Firth