The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129278 Message #3587317
Posted By: GUEST,Don Armstrong
29-Dec-13 - 11:36 AM
Thread Name: Info: Pat [& Victoria] Garvey
Subject: RE: Pat [& Victoria] Garvey
Sorry, haven't checked this site in some time. Pat is of Irish descent but Victoria is not. Pat went to Ireland not long after he & Victoria split, but I don't think he liked it there. Victoria remembers playing the Queequeg, but not so much the Place Next Door. Pat owned a coffee house in Seattle, perhaps that was it. She met him when she went in and auditioned. We are scheduled once again for Caffe Lena May 10, 2014, but Victoria is dealing with some rather serious health issues, so the trip east is up in the air at this point.