The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #129278   Message #3587559
Posted By: GUEST,Don Armstrong
30-Dec-13 - 10:53 AM
Thread Name: Info: Pat [& Victoria] Garvey
Subject: RE: Pat [& Victoria] Garvey
Don Firth, Victoria remembers you from those days. She says that she believes Pat took over The Place Next Door when Eric left and ran it very briefly. That is when they met. She also loved your comment, Bob. That gave her a good laugh. You don't know how many times I have heard in our travels from people who had that same reaction -as I did- but found it much easier to tell me than tell Pat!!! And, Larry, thank you for your good wishes. The next few weeks will tell us whether Victoria will perform again. We are almost finished our latest CD, from which we had to have a break for a while, as she was too weak to sing or play. She seems to be doing a little better, now, but time will tell.