The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #138055   Message #3587571
Posted By: JohnInKansas
30-Dec-13 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: Washtub Bass Stick
Subject: RE: Washtub Bass Stick
Musket - In the US, in recent times, few people know what a tea chest is. We buy our tea mostly in those abominable little paper bags that brew colored water that tastes like you're chewing on a scrap of dusty old wallpaper torn out of an abandoned shack.

"Washtub" basses are fairly popular here, however. (They significantly outnumber musical saws.) A majority of them probably still are actual washtubs, but gas tanks, stock tanks, buckets, and even "homemade" wooden boxes are seen at many festivals. I've seen a few fairly recently that used an old bass drum for the "sound box," and at least one using a snare drum (with the snares turned on) that produced an "amusing" sound.
