The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133984   Message #3587747
Posted By: Jim Carroll
31-Dec-13 - 06:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christmas Truce (1914)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Truce (1914)
Sorry - I meant Hastings - all tabloid journalists look the same to me.
You are now entering all of threads you insist on dominating, not on your own knowledge, but solely on the supposed arguments of "experts" - you bring neither information, or even interest of your own, and when you are driven into all the corners you have been, you scurry behind supposed expertise of others - offering no defence of your own.
When you make your horrific "all male Pakistanis "are implanted perverts you invented statements from so-called experts who never made such a statement, and would have been prosecuted under the race hatred laws if they had.
You based much of your Irish Famine arguments on an "expert" who was saying the opposite to what you were claiming, and swept aside all other arguments as "revisionist" and "tainted by prejudice"
Your entire defence of the Israeli Government is based on the Official Israeli Government line, and you have admitted as much.
You are doing exactly the same here - coming with no fore-knowledge and making your argument purely on so-called "expertise" and "authority" of people who have no more right than the establshed historians (not to mention the soldiers you have dismissed as "liars" and "romantics" to be believed.
Until you show an interest in these subjects enough to have some knowledge of your own - enough to have read a book on the subject at least - you will continue to wreck thread after thread, as yo have done, with your ignorance and your desire to get across your extremist message, and in doing so, you maker these subjects little more than a platform for ideas that often show little different than the views of scum like the B.N.P.
If you want to be taken seriously and not just "Oh no, it's that nutter again" figure that you have become - fro crying out loud, read up on these topics - show some interest in them - stop bringing pre-set ideas and then attempting to substantiate them with quich raids on the web.
Stop behaving like a moron and stop treating the rest of us as if we were ignorant idiots.
Jim Carroll