The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3588036
Posted By: MGM·Lion
01-Jan-14 - 04:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
Well, yes, Ian. I agree that it is not the fact of a differently professed Imaginary Friend that is necessarily the instant cause of the persecution of these minority communities by the majorities in places where they have long existed. But it is the ultimate historical cause of the perceived difference which is the trigger for the hostility of the majority towards the minority. Thus far, Keith has it right ~~ they are being persecuted for a perceived difference historically rooted in what originated as a religious variation from the local norm. "Whatabouteries" regarding activities of some of their notional co-religionists elsewhere, leading to deaths thru prevention of abortions or other abuses of authority by Xtn majorities in other places, are at best marginal to the point which is the gravamen of this thread. I can't see why its OP should be subjected to so much contempt, contumely & abuse for pointing out some incontrovertible statistical facts which are distasteful to some holding doctrinaire views like yours. Even if some Xtns in some places are less than squeaky-clean doesn't mean entire equivalence of any abuses by either party, as the somewhat uncharacteristically stupid question at the end of your post 12 back seems to imply. As I have pointed out several times already, I recall no recent instances of any Xtn hacking a Muslim to death with a machete and then claiming publicly that it was a virtuous act enjoined upon him by his Faith in revenge for some supposed abuses of his religion.

Happy New Year
