The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152125   Message #3588521
Posted By: Don Firth
02-Jan-14 - 08:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
pete:   "Your saying that science and creationism are two different things would be likened saying science and evolutionism are two different things."

Science and Creationism ARE two different things. Evolution meets all the criteria of science, including being modifiable in the light of the discovery of new data--WITHOUT calling the rest of science or our knowledge of evolutionary processes into question.

Creationism is composted of supposition and assumptions based on premises that are unproven and unprovable, and may have noting to do with Reality.

Did it ever occur to you that by insisting that "the heavens and the earth and all therein" were created in a mere six days some six-thousand years ago, you may be guilty of blasphemy? You are positing a mere wand-waving wizard instead of an All-Powerful Intelligence that it would take to create a universe that is over 12 billion years old and contains billions of possible worlds and who knows how much Life.

Perhaps you shy away from that powerful an Intelligence and prefer a god a bit less scary--CLICKY.

Did you ever think that the Rules of SCIENCE might have been invented by God, that THAT is the way He did it, and we are just, within recent centuries, putting superstion behind us and actually beginning to discover the Nature of God?

Contrary to some atheists--AND theists--you can be both scientific AND religious?

Just expand you mind a bit! CLICKY

Don Firth