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Thread #133984   Message #3588568
Posted By: Jim Carroll
03-Jan-14 - 02:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christmas Truce (1914)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Truce (1914)
My "quietness for a few posts" is entirely due to the pointless exercise of feeding a troll who stands alone in his defence of a long out of date arguments and who has adopted the technique of ignoring every single fact on a matter of history
You have claimed the long established views of Taylor and Hart and the accounts given by soldiers like Sassoon, Owen, McGill are "lies" - prove it - prove that the present day view of the war is wrong and that you alone are right - not one single historian, including the ones you have presented, has come anywhere near to sharing your antiquated jingoistic view of the facts - not one single one.
You have had your cut-'n-pastes put into context - you choose not to respond,
You have had the arguments of the present views of history put to you - you dismiss them without proof or qualification.
I have never indulged in 'battles of cut-'n-pastes' why the hell should I - any moron can trawl the internet and prove the moon is made out of cheese should they wish to.
You want a discussion - go and learn something and stop attempting to defend your arguments with out of context - read something.
You are alone here yet you continue to sneer at all who disagree with you.
You alone display absolute ignorance on the subject under discussion, yet you dismiss all opposing arguments out of hand.
ou have had all the evidence needed to make up your mind, yet you demand more.
You are a troll Keith - a sad figure who seems to need to seek the attention you are not getting elsewhere by embarking on fanatical crusades which you invariably end up totally alone, as you have here.
I don't indulge in cut-'n-paste slanging matches with morons, I really don't need to - life's too short anyway.
I certainly don't trawl the net to indulge someone who has long proved himself a raving fanatic on any subject put before him - I certainly couldn't hope to dismantle your own arguments as efficiantly as you have managed to do yourself.
I don't claim to know a great deal about WW1 - I do know a little from what I've read, I know a little of the conditions and opinions of the war by "liars" who fought in that war.
You think we are all wrong, you think all conventional and established historians are wrong - and you alone are right - as I said earlier - extreme meglomania.
You obviously have no intention of abandoning your attempts to destroy this forum with your attention-seeking - it is to be hoped that eventually the administrators of this forum will take a hand in your somewhat insane quest for forum domination.
Jim Carroll