The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152125   Message #3589027
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
04-Jan-14 - 12:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Akenaton: "Hi Sanity, liked your post of 1;02 am......Lot of thought provoking stuff in there!"

I know....if there is one thing that throws them off the's having to think!....some of them think that thinking is an exercise of trying to remember what line that someone told them, that they can REPEAT, that 'might work'....Peat, Peat....and Re-Peat! ...Oh Ma!, look how bright I am!..think I should 'win' the argument??....doesn't matter if They're 'correct' or not.....just so long as they can walk away convinced that 'they've won'........ no matter how silly they come off..just ask Don!!!...and posse!!

Take this one: "Militant atheism has become a religion."

They hate the Pope, and/or the hierarchy of religions ....but want to be regarded as a General!!!...gee...if only they could just say it 'right' then they could think they could be the Commander-in-Chief!

Armies are about as much about peace, as religions are about spirituality!

Good seein' you, Ake!


P.S. You'll have to pardon me....I just had to ramble on!(grins)