The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #133984   Message #3589248
Posted By: Jim Carroll
05-Jan-14 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Christmas Truce (1914)
Subject: RE: BS: Christmas Truce (1914)
"I agree with your first sentence Jim."
Keith - whether you agree or disagree with me is as little interest to me as what Nick Griffin thinks about what I believe - the parallels are obvious, except that you are now expressing views that would disbar you from membership of the BNP as being too openly extreme.
Your mindless repetition of opinions that have been debunked by half a century's education - and here, a library's worth of up-to date evidence is indication enough for me that you have nothing to contribute here.
You started on your own and you remain on your own, offering only sneers as response to real information   
Arguing with you has now become like trying to communicate with an extremely disturbed child with acute learning difficulties - you have admitted as much by confessing that you are unable to understand a simple document (though you have claimed to have made the subject a life-long study - where did you go for for your information - Biggles!!!)
I have set out how I believe those who fought and died in the trenches were thanked for their efforts - not by the left, by the British establishment.
You want to take part in that aspect - feel free - I shan't respond - I'm not qualified to deal with disturbed children and village idiots.
You want to discss the left's attitude to the war - feel free - the left had nothing to do with the way the soldiers were treated - except to take a leading part in the hunger marches made necessary by the inhuman behaviour of the British establishment
You really have shot your bolt here - I hope for the last time, though sadly, I doubt it - you seem totally insensitive to the image you have created for yourself.
Yours as ever
Jim Carroll