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Thread #152125   Message #3589459
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
06-Jan-14 - 12:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
So, it looks like Kieth and Akenaton are posting the HIV figures, because the numbers are alarming....and some of the others on here, want to suppress the numbers because they think that they are not alarming?? The spread of AIDS is most commonly sexually transmitted activity, and needles, what's the bitch?....hetero transmission is better than homo transmission??....(Ya' gotta scroll back a couple of posts and read the bit on self-gratification overruling concern for your fellow mankind) form is not any more 'benevolent' than the other...and it's ironic that this should be on the, 'Militant atheism has become a religion' thread....I mean MORALS happens to fall under the 'religious' category...Are the 'atheists' now distancing themselves from 'morality' too....or just wanting to 'employ' them, while disavowing themselves from the reason 'why'?

I don't know that there is any reason to doubt Ake's and Kieth's numbers. For a LONG time Ake has posted numbers right from the Centers for Disease Control..and has taken a lot of crap for it...because the 'so-called liberals'(that's the bandwagon variety), are aligned with the homosexual community to bring about change, and destroy the concept of traditional marriage to do order to defer to the government for everything......BUT THEN THEY DISPUTE THE GOVERNMENT'S OWN FIGURES!!!!????!!!!????.....because it doesn't support their allegiances????

'I think the only way to simplify my life,
Is fix my car and drive away'