The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153300   Message #3589675
Posted By: Richard Bridge
07-Jan-14 - 05:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Thatcher fibbed about coal mines!
Subject: RE: BS: Thatcher fibbed about coal mines!
The bitch Thatcher lied and lied again. Her right wing cronies in the press repeated the lies. They, somewhat like another regime a little before in another land, fooled the public. One at least of her cronies (now on the run from reparation, in another land, lying to the courts) was involved in a calculated gerrymander for electoral advantage.

Maybe now that some of the truth is coming out, some of the forces of oppression who conspired at Orgreave to cause the innocent to be convicted will also get their belated desserts.

It is also interesting to see that the slur that we have been fed for so many years, namely that Scargill's battle was hopeless, was also a lie and that the bitches pussies in the cabinet were indeed very close to having to impose a 3 day week - like the one that eventually brought down Heath.