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Thread #152125   Message #3589939
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
08-Jan-14 - 02:57 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
akenaton: Date: 07 Jan 14 - 12:58 PM
"Dave, you Steve and Ian have referred to people of faith who write here as if they were idiots, they have also been the butt of many lame jokes."

Hi, Ake!
Follow me on this one...

The reason they do that is how they've come to assimilate 'reality'... in the material world...which can be measured, calculated, manipulated into political and religious systems for controlling the masses. So their concepts of 'religious' and/or political order is view from the material world, to work its way upward to a 'better system'...even if they have to destroy one or the other to accomplish it.

But you referred to .."...people of faith who write here...". See the 'faith' part is what throws them off. If you say, 'people of faith', well, that is automatically thought of as being a religion, or religious based doctrinal stance, from an establish religion...and being as they are already material based targets, as politics, they can rip each other's eyes out..and do so accurately...BUT...there is a completely DIFFERENT connotation to your phrase, 'people of faith' which is NOT subject to the realms of the material....and that is those who have been accessed to 'Conscientiousness' opposed to 'Materialism'. Those who can see a collective higher reality, have a very difficult time conveying what that is, to a world, that has redefined some of the terms, as merely to relaying to a materialist church entity...consequently, they have a hard time articulating that which has been accessed to 'consciousness' into the material frame of reference.
They are two completely different worlds of thought...and as far as politics and religion those are the lower forms....Conscientiousness being the higher.....but its harder to be accurate in that one, and still manipulate masses of the ennoble the two lower forms, and play their games...for, well greed, lusts, pride, admiration, wealth, power, sensuousness, notoriety and other fantasies, that can only come true by the power they suck off other people.....However, had they have got their insights from Conscientiousness, those methods would be completely a useless they call 'people of faith' idiots...but only because 'people of faith' aren't listening to being controlled by a lower nature of intelligence.

That was simple.

Here's a simple illustration..
The frame of mind one is in while composing/building/crafting/etc a piece of fine music....versus the frame of mind of selling it.

Here..remember this one?..It speaks of the same:

Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion
From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 05 Jan 14 - 06:28 PM

"Oh, I know...Disregard, for yourself and your fellow mankind, IS in FACT....STUPIDITY!!.....and fucking stupidity has killed more on the planet, than all the intentional ill-intent!!!

Its roots begin with 'ones feelings for self gratification'.....and by lying to ourselves creating another."

..and all that killing was facilitated through the use of a religion or political notion...How fucking intelligent is THAT??????????????

"Everyone else can fill in their own conclusion.....(s)......"

Regards!!...Especially to those who got their 'Faith' from the intelligence gathers, from visit 'Conscientiousness'....or even the reverse......