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Thread #152125   Message #3591160
Posted By: GUEST,pete from seven stars link
11-Jan-14 - 06:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
ok jack, if I changed the terms of the "bet" .I apologize. I assume you have more to offer than trilobites and dinos in different places in the geologic column, so please elucidate on your own terms .
btw - on the above,-under the vast earth shattering conditions of the global flood we should expect some sorting of organisms, and also some exceptions to what would be expected, and I think both scenarios are documented.
and while you mention pseudo science-
Piltdown man,-a poor forgery but as evolutionism was[and still is] assumed ,it was four decades before it was rumbled.
subsequent discoveries purporting to be pre human in the evolution bin. was it nebraskah man that was imagined and illustrated from a single tooth, which turned out to be from a pig?!
so called vestigial organs supposedly leftovers from evolution, now known to be nothing of the sort.
the junk dna idea which supposedly also evolutions not needed leftovers is quickly getting junked as increasingly functions are found.
and of course there is still the little matter of those dino bones exhibiting signs of being no where near 65 MYO. But because you "know" the evolution story is true you now "know" that soft tissue etc can last that long !.

and I know that no matter how many examples I may present , the true believers will just say creationists are selective in presenting their evidence.