The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152125   Message #3591557
Posted By: GUEST,Musket
13-Jan-14 - 02:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Yes, but had those "someone" been discovered by Noah?

Galapagos tortoises are one thing. Their finches didn't travel far for their holidays either.

You see, creationists go out of their way to ensure people point and laugh. The perfectly reasonable contribution to society that religions can offer gets drowned out in the mirth and piss taking.


Because they are your reps. They are the real Christians who take it seriously. They are the ones knocking on doors and spreading the word.

They are the ones responsible for society increasingly dismissing the whole concept of religion as a factor in life.

Where you live, my experience is that religion is more mainstream and accepted as part of life. Here, I find it is tolerated rather than embraced. I support a hospital chaplaincy team in a large city. They may be vicars, Imams etc, but the service they offer is spiritual help in the broadest sense. Social workers without the imperative to plan discharge, that's how I describe them. Their work describes a role in the community at large. Their caseload is huge, mainly because their role isn't to sell their creed. They are popular with all, not just the religious minority. (The two Imams are in most demand as people perceive vicars as wanting to sell Jesus, even though ours don't.).

It would be sad if that service to society was drowned out in a sea of irrelevance, but the more religious people push an illogical agenda, promote misogyny, bigotry and guilt, the more doors slam on fingers that think if they are kept in the door frame, Musket won't shut the door. Misplaced faith if ever I saw it.