The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3591981
Posted By: Jim Carroll
14-Jan-14 - 10:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
"No racism in that."
Suggesting that "all male Pakistanis" pose a risk to our young women because of their culture is as racist as it comes.
If you are not blaming Islam you are blaming Pakistanis - which particular brand of racism/cultural bigotry to you prefer to be identified with?
You have been given the statistical facts on underage sex and child paedophila - I take it you believe that to be off topic and not discussable here - would you care to explain why it isn't dominant thoughout the Iaslamic world - no - I thought not?
Would you care to explain why, if underage sex, paedophelia and incest is prominently an indigenous problem in Britain, it is not down to British culture, especially if it a cultural problem among Muslims, as you insist - no - I thought not?
Would you care to explain why, as you set such store on Jack Straw and all the other so-called 'experts', you totally ignore their actual expert advice that no connection should be made between the behaviour of a tiny handful of young criminals and ether he race or culture of the Muslim community as a whole - no - I thought not?
Yo away, you pathetic little ranter
Lie down, your dead again.
Jim Carroll