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Thread #152125   Message #3592073
Posted By: GUEST,Troubadour
14-Jan-14 - 02:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
Subject: RE: BS: Militant atheism has become a religion p
"you have to have nothing to do with God....but God is if you don't want Love"

If Atheists could not (as your comment implies) experience love, pretty soon there would be no Atheists. In fact logic suggests that, were there any sense in it, they've already died out and you are arguing about nothing................NO CHANGE THERE THEN!

"Why don't Atheists control the crazy atheists?"

Precisely because Atheists are not a community, militant or otherwise, so the crazy ones are simply ignored.

Religions, on the other hand, canonise the craziest in their ranks and elevate the less crazy to Cardinals or Popes.