The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150803   Message #3592376
Posted By: GUEST,Musket
15-Jan-14 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Militant Atheism' is a propaganda term
Subject: RE: BS: 'Militant Atheism' is a propaganda term
A '70s disco song if I recall. "Shame on you, if you can't pass poo". Or something like that.

Goofus has "improved" eh? Nice to see you really do think you are the arbiter of good taste. (Quoting bubble gum disco songs isn't good taste though.) Who the flying fook are you to decide what is good or bad? As you said , people want to post here, and reckoning on a self righteous prig on a mission jumping on their backs ain't going to be useful. Greater minds than mine have you weighed up. On this thread too....

At least you are comfortable with selecting who and when to complain about. They say ignorance is bliss.

I commend your post to all. I hope many people read it.

We could do with a good laugh.