The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150803   Message #3592383
Posted By: akenaton
15-Jan-14 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Militant Atheism' is a propaganda term
Subject: RE: BS: 'Militant Atheism' is a propaganda term
Jack, my stance against homosexual "marriage" is chiefly on health grounds, the "smokescreen" stance if you like, but although I am presently undecided about religion, I have much sympathy with those committed people of faith who protest about the re-definition of Christian marriage( marriage blessed by the church). They far outnumber homosexuals and further outnumber the homosexuals who wish to avail themselves of "marriage"
So the rights of the majority are being adversely affected by a small minority.....those rights being not marriage rights, but the right to redefine the what Christian marriage actually means.