The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #136372   Message #3592557
Posted By: Jim Carroll
16-Jan-14 - 06:17 AM
Thread Name: BS: Christian Persecution
Subject: RE: BS: Christian Persecution
I put article up to show that nowhere has anybody, social worker, politician, policeman, Muslim or whatever religion - ever sated at any time that 'Muslim culture is the cause of any crime in Britain' - which is not only the basic argument of Keith, Mike and their ilk, but has been expanded by Keith to include every single Muslim in Britain - the world, if his arguments are to be taken to their logical conclusion.
None of the people have made any such statement
Jack Straw points out that the opposite is the came - Muslim culture insists that there should be no sex whatever before marriage - a basic Muslim teaching.
Straw makes it clear that these crimes are the result of a "tiny group" of young criminals who have rejected Muslim teaching and have gone outside their own communities for sex to satisfy youthful sexual their urges.
Along with this defiance of Muslim law goes the drinking of alcohol and drug-taking, also forbidden.
Nobody would dare to suggest (apart from "infallible" Keith) that the crimes of pimping by a minority of this tiny minority, have anything whatever to do with being Muslim.
On the contrary, a built in fact of Muslim communities in Britain is adherence to the law - this has always been fully recognised and commented on by the British authorities.
The Muslim communities are and will remain the most law abiding nd peaceable in Britain.
It's up to Mike, "Infallible" Keith, and any other stray Islamophobe to prove that this is not so, not for us to disprove selected passages from carefully selected articles, the salient points of which are totally ignored anyway by this pair of Islamophobic clowns
Jim Carroll