The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150803   Message #3592570
Posted By: Stu
16-Jan-14 - 06:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: 'Militant Atheism' is a propaganda term
Subject: RE: BS: 'Militant Atheism' is a propaganda term
"Stu, I don't mean to sound dismissive, but your last post comes over as a sort of excuse?
The norm in sexual behaviour is heterosexual, only a very small section of society practice homosexuality, therefore they can be said to "deviate from the norm"….perverse, as defined in my dictionary."

"Normal variation'????....not according to the reason for REPRODUCTIVE organs....
You might consider that your(and others) version of 'Normal Variation' would be a self-indulgence...
So explain (or don't) how homosexuality is a normal activity for reproduction.

Stu: "The idea homosexuality is a "perversion" is a cultural trope and has no basis of fact in behavioural studies, biology or any other science for that matter."

Stu's preceding comment is based solely on political opinion, and NOT on fact, by any biological definition, and therefore FALSE….but it makes for happy fodder for wannabe activists…but still FALSE!!""

You seem to labouring under the concept that sexual activity is purely reproductive and has no other function beyond reproduction, but this is wrong and biologists have moved away from this hypothesis many years ago. Sexual selection drives many evolutionary and biological processes and to single out same-sex interaction as being not normal is simply incorrect.

Sexual behaviour plays other roles within animal societies (including human) including the bonding of individuals within same-sex groups (lions, some cetaceans) and in Bonobos, our closest living relatives on the planet, same-sex interaction is an intrinsic part of how the structures of their society are established and reinforced. In this context, human and other primate (and mammal) same-sex relationships are utterly explicable biologically and are totally normal, regardless of whatever interpretation any of us put on it.

My 'political' opinion (my opinions on homosexuality are not 'political') is irrelevant; the fact is same sex interactions provide a valuable biological function, and that isn't going to change because anyone thinks it's 'perverse'. We all interpret this according to our own particular cultural viewpoint, which is subjective and as far as biological and behavioural science is concerned, meaningless.