The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153246   Message #3593390
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
18-Jan-14 - 06:54 PM
Thread Name: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
Subject: RE: Declutter and Fitness in early 2014
I've always found a made bed makes the whole room look better. Of course, the goal is for the whole room to be tidy... A nice goal!

Gorgeous day - but there will be no daffodils poking up until late March! I walked out on top of the snow crust to put up thermometer but when I came inside I realized the screen door would hit it so I retrieved it. Needs to be somewhere the sun does not hit. The solar gain in the sun room made it hot! Lovely!

The music at the cafe last night was good but the indoor air ... and my new filters have not arrived yet so I became less and less sociable as I felt worse and worse. Home by 10:30 and fell into bed.

I finally could no longer stand the suspense so, today, I weighed myself fully clothed. Delighted that 160 is close enough to the 155 I had gotten down to, so I can now strive from there. Today, when I regained sufficient consciousness to get up for real - not just because nature called again - I actually felt good! That was 8:30 this morning and now, at 6 pm, I am ready to re-collapse but shall persevere a while longer. My cough continues, my nose is streaming, my sinuses are alternately clogged and clearing (They have only cleared completely a couple times in my life.) My arm is tolerable as long as I am very careful how I move it. This is a very good day.

I washed my hair and trimmed it without looking - no mirror!. Used the same water to wash a few undies. Sorted through the sewing containers and arranged projects - iron on patches, hand mend, machine hem, new elastic/razor blade to remove old elastic. The scrap I bought for the little bench just too small - darn!; I shall wait until I can look at my fabrics that are packed. I did find a piece of foam to use! Can use one scrap to make a case for a heating pad to help with cold feet. May yet DO at least one of these little projects tonight.

Then went off to town (only 3 km) for waxed paper, stopped at library to return a book - this author is now on my "none by her" list, filled six jugs with water at the thrift shop, and stopped by the restaurant to see if my friend was there; we had a visit. And a trip back to dollar store for iron on patches; I have some - out there.... Looked for cookie sheet to no avail and I know I had it since we came here. Looked for good winter jacket to no avail. Did not look for extra bobbins ... Tomorrow. Out there is challenging to find anything, esp since the re-organization on Sunday!

R has not made it back down. Crises abound. Hopefully tomorrow. The appointment to see the wee house is Monday.

My one fuschia blossom is fully opened! They are so neat! This one is very pale pink.