The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153438   Message #3593531
Posted By: Claire M
19-Jan-14 - 10:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: journalling for disabled
Subject: BS: journalling for disabled

I used to keep a journal as a young child, & write stories etc. in it. 1 of the books I read suggests writing to angels, the Goddess etc. then disposing of the letter in some way so it's "sent" to them. I love this idea.

I also formed imaginary bonds w/ bands, TV characters, even song characters/mythical creatures, using language full of archaic words, writing about/to them. I always knew the bonds w/ said people/creatures were just in my imagination, but it seemed to comfort me when I needed it. I realised this when I had a bout of depression a couple of yrs ago. I refer to it as the Black Cloud.

When/if there's a complaint in the care home I live (not that there's been anything that serious) conflict, people not getting on etc., we're sort of thrown together but don't actually *like* each other all that much, sadly we're far too different) we're always told our conflicts'll be sorted but they aren't. I like most of the staff, as I said the place is good, so I dislike the idea of leaving -- but sometimes I feel like I'll have ♥ failure from all the repeated conversations/sudden shouting
When one of the staff was helping me I happened to say how I'd love it if the others who live here were a bit different, & she jokingly mentioned something along the lines of what I said in my 2nd paragraph ☻

I'd love to start journalling again so I am not seen as someone who likes to complain, & so the Cloud doesn't come, but how do I do this w/o it being seen (& w/o help) ??