The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153452   Message #3594400
Posted By: Bill D
21-Jan-14 - 05:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palin impies Obama is a Racist.
Subject: RE: BS: Palin impies Obama is a Racist.
Palin in not exactly stupid... she IS ignorant, and that, to my mind is worse. She is steeped in the worst sort of cultish religious silliness... added to a devotion to 'making a $$$' from whatever she does.(much like Bachmann) She make no effort to educate herself about the world in general and just follows a system which seems to be largely defined by her husband (much like Bachmann).

She attracts others who also think that way, and can make $$$$ just showing up and spewing the Tea Party line... with a few polished "palinisms" thrown in.