The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153452   Message #3594479
Posted By: Bill D
21-Jan-14 - 11:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Palin impies Obama is a Racist.
Subject: RE: BS: Palin impies Obama is a Racist.
Ake.. no... as I said, it is **NOT** just opinions. Just after I typed that above, I was watching the news and saw a report on this guy...

Robert Jeffress (look him up in Google for more)

He is but ONE of the sort of VERY extreme folk getting lots of air play in right-wing conservative circles. This sort of reasoning is not "just opinion". It is opinion based on lies & false premises and which these folks think is justified because they are 'on the right side'.
People are entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to make up facts to support their opinions.

And YOU have played fast & loose with facts in this:" .."race" played a very big part in the election of President Obama.. Stating percentages, even when accurate, doesn't serve to characterize the point of those statistics. Those numbers do show that McCain had very little support among minority voters... (Hispanics also voted largely Democratic.)

And this: "It looks to me that you think the opinions of members of the Tea Party are of less worth than your own."

Ummm...well...gosh... when I say that the basic Tea Party line is flawed, illogical & a distortion of truth, I am stating that "worth" is not a characteristic of ANY position based on lies, bad logic & distortion! These Tea Party folks are factually incorrect in their premises, no matter what my opinion is. I am willing to subject **MY** premises to the test of analysis of their accuracy, and to revise my opinions if needed. The Tea Party people tend to revise their description of reality and facts in order to support their hardened 'opinion'.
If you don't see the basic difference in the two positions, *shrug*, how can I even talk to you?

I am reminded of the guy who responded to his neighbor's request for an explanation as to why the tool he borrowed came back broken: "I never borrowed it... and besides, I returned it weeks ago... and it was broken when I got it."
Make sense? Who cares! I just refuse to agree with anything you say.