The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153477   Message #3594752
Posted By: gnu
22-Jan-14 - 03:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Empathy and the brain
Subject: RE: BS: Empathy and the brain
I agree too, Lighter. But, what happened to me was real. All I can ask for is the benfit of the doubt. It could not have been mere coincidence. I have had other similar experiences but they were mild in comparison. What I describe above was heart wrenching in more ways than one but I will not discuss the details.

Hmmmm... maybe an example of one I dismissed. I could not get to sleep. I had no idea why. For over an hour. Then, I knew someone was in the room. I sat up and there was my father who was dead for exactly one year. He said, "Thank you. You are a good son." in reference to something he asked me to do and he vanished. Surely one would dismiss that as a dream, as a subconcious wish created in my brain? I certainly did, in time. But the instance I spoke to above? No. That was real. It happened. I was there. That was no dream.